Junya Watanabe AW2006 Destroyed Mohair Sweater

Junya Watanabe AW2006 Destroyed Mohair Sweater
In the fall of 2006, Junya produced among his most famous men’s and women’s shows, with numerous pieces from both collections still pervasive in the present-day fashion zeitgeist. His menswear paid tribute to Martin Scorsese's iconic antihero Travis Bickle, immortalized by Robert DeNiro in the film Taxi Driver. The clothing stuck to a drab olive palette, certainly a reference to Bickle’s classic military surplus jacket, with his distinct look channeled again in the numerous models who sported tightly buzzed mohawks.
This striped punk staple has the appearance of being thrashed and haphazardly stuck back together. It’s torn across the seam at the sleeve and hem, leaving the cuffs to hang loose, while the similarly-distressed collar is held together by a handful of safety pins.
Condition: 9/10. No significant flaws. All distressing is intentional.
Tagged size: S
Shoulder: 14.5in
Pit to pit: 19in
Length: 27in
Sleeve: 27in